Thursday, December 8, 2011

Where the rainbow ends

The good thing about trying to sell our house is that when realtors schedule to look at it, the preference is that we not be there -- so it forces me to get out and sometimes I even find something to shoot. 

Assuming I still remember how to use the camera.

Shem Creek at dusk

Where the rainbow ends

I'm hoping to try and make the Friday shootout.  Things have eased up a little bit although I still feel pretty harried these days.


  1. Both these pictures are beautiful! It seems to me rather cruel to force you out of what still is, after all, YOUR home, and at such early hours, too!

  2. Gorgeous pics! Hang in there. Moving sucks, but it doesn't last forever.

  3. Well you did good when you got out. Glad you are having lookers. Hope you folks are not having the rain we are having here in Ky.

  4. It's good to (be forced to) get out now and then!

    Did you ever see my picture of the rainbow without end (an icebow).


  5. A link between needs. And rainbows never really end. ~Mary

  6. Great blog
    I am your new follower and look forward to knowing your work
