Friday, August 31, 2012

Friday Shootout - Black and White

BAGMAN:  "It's about time you showed up!!!"

BUTLER (suggesting a G-rated word for Bagman): "Slackard?"

"Sorry, guys," I apologize without sincerity, combining it with a rationalization.  "First I had to get rid of the box that Bagman had been stored in before the odor permeates the new house.  Then I got lost trying to find the studio and kept walking into the laundry room instead. 

BUTLER: "What about the box where you kept me during the move?"

"You did a nice job while you were in storage," I admit.  "Karen decided to use it to replace the wardrobe that got broken in the move."

BAGMAN (Glaring at Butler): "Suck up!"

"Anyhow, guys, let's get started.  The topic for today is black and white photos of our town."

BAGMAN: "I'd rather be in a box."

Bagman leaves, Butler puts moisturizer cream on his hands and is, therefore, useless on the computer, so I continue without them.

My hometown.  Hmmph.  I guess my real new hometown is a place called Hanahan. 


I still think of myself as living in Charleston because it is easier to explain.  We actually moved from Mount Pleasant which is a more stuffy, fru-fru kind of suburb to Hanahan which is a more blue collar, down to earth kind of suburb. 

There are about 13,000 people in Hanahan and most of them are police officers.  If you mention Hanahan to anyone around here, the first thing they say is, "Be careful not to speed."   But I never know when I am driving in Hanahan anyway because county lines and town lines in this part of South Carolina intertwine like a bed of snakes.  People keep getting together and incorporating little towns to avoid paying County taxes and politicians keep drawing different county lines to make sure they contain people who will vote for them.  Average people like me never know where they are because every time I drive around a corner, I find a sign telling me I am in another town.


Revenue (probably more from traffic fines than taxes) has built a fairly nice municipal building which includes everything -- administrator, mayor, police, fire, court -- one stop shopping.  


The official town seal consists of a heron under a tree although, so far, I have seen no herons since I left Mount Pleasant.  I have seen some trees.  

The seal also says "Circa 1973" which means, I assume that the town incorporated sometime around 1973 -- don't they know the actual date? 


I try to think of something else to say but Butler pokes his head in the door.

BUTLER: "Bagman's gone into another box!"

"Damn!" I exclaim, realizing that I've been cursing more than usual, lately.  "Doesn't he know where the bathrooms are in the new house?!"  

We rush off to get him and as we run, I realize that I'm not sure where the bathrooms are either.









  1. What a fun post about where you live and your move. I love Charleston...I have a print of Rainbow Row on the wall right next to where I am sitting. I had not heard of Hanahan...kinda glad..I probably would have gotten a speeding ticket there. Thank you for the kind words over at my place.

  2. Hanahan sounds like a very exotic place to me!
    As for walking into the wrong rooms and not finding the bathrooms, maybe a satnav would help :-)

  3. nice to see you back. like the last photo the best. I haven't posted yet. there is just nothing in N Friburgo worth seeing in color or in B&W. Maybe Bagman is just one step away from running away and living on the streets, and is practising living in a card board shelter. beware.

  4. So good to have you back. Not just because I have been helping to do the spotlight photos either. The last photo is marvelous. "Nevermore." BandW had it's own special qualities. I remember taking a class in college in Communications and we studied only B/W films. The streets in your town remind me of being in New York when our son lived there. Hyde Park, Kingston, Rhinebeck never knew where we were.

  5. It looks like a very clean city. I like the official town seal but if you haven't seen any herons since you moved there, it makes one wonder why they would use that as their official seal.

  6. Maybe they can hire my future son in law too. He is just finishing Police Academy...I would put in a good word for you!! :) The Circa but is puzzling. Did you want to do spotlights yet or continue your hiatus? Either is fine.

    1. I don't mind doing this week again as I agreed with Peggy, makes me use my time effectively to have the responsiblity, but if you are ready to come back just say the word.... I guess the word would be "yes!" - Rebecca would you email me the result of this question....

  7. Good to see you all made it to your new home. Look forward to seeing more of your new town. I like the look of the One Stop Shop, nice lines. Those wide traffic free streets look like an invitation to speed. One of the guys will have to take on cop watch duty.

  8. Sounds like a very nice place to live in, the Hanahan.

  9. The 'bird sanctuary' sign does not really look very inviting for herons, does it... I hope you'll soon find yourself at home in your new home, though.

  10. The 3rd photo looks like our very own city hall in my hometown in the Philippines. The black and white color makes it old and classic looking.

    Thanks for the visit I do appreciate it..Kim, USA

  11. Your moves sounds a little unsettling. UGH! Been hanging out with a pun-loving crowd of late. Bad business that.

    The first thing I thought when you mentioned 'circa' is that these folks are putting on airs. If not, then you may have just moved into a town run by idjits. Either way, beware.

    I love the town seal. If SC is anything at all like New England, many original signs in towns refer to what had to go to make room for the buildings to house people, offices, and police departments. That, my friend, would terribly sad for you. Herons give me a reason to continue to draw breath.

  12. Welcome to the new house. I really enjoyed the 360's tho wished they were vastly bigger. You did good kid. are in and unpacked and writing in black and white again. Bravo. :)
