Thursday, November 12, 2009

Preview, 1886, and emotional intensity

If I had time to do it all over, I would probably change my places of worship post tomorrow and add this and a few more like it.  But to give you a preview of tomorrow's post, it will be nothing like the photo above. 

I'm still researching where this church alter is (or was) but it was carved and painted by my grandfather. 

I wasn't going to post today at all.  In fact, after writing my letter, yesterday, to Barry and reading the comments, I was emotionally exhaused.  But since Barry's last comment was "see you tomorrow," I had to at least post something to let him know I was still alive.

My grandfather was born on December 4, 1886.   Ever since I did a series on my Father, the Hermit of Panther Key, I've been thinking about doing a series on my Granddad.  Yesterday, I got started on it, figuring I'll post it on December 1,2,3, and 4.  Coincidentally the Friday Shootout coincides with December 4th and the theme is "My Favorite Things" and I figure my grandfather's art qualifies. 

So yesterday, after wiping myself out reading all your comments, I figured that since I was already dealing with feelings, I'd dig out an old storage box from the shed that contained stuff I've been carrying around for years.  Old photos, writings, stuff from my grandfather.  Whew!! I had forgotten what was in there.  The series might run to 5. 

This one is worth a click to blow it up and look at what he was working on.  Because it is a good metaphor for him.  He was sketching a cathedral alter and he had pinned it over a nude woman he had been painting.  If you think there is something of the Bagman / Butler dichotomy here, you are right.  Grandee was the genetic source of these guys, big time.   In fact, I'm going to let Butler write one of the series episodes and will risk letting Bagman write another.  I'll have to post an adult warning, I suppose, because there will be nude paintings involved. 

And speaking of nudes, wasn't I a cute little boy?

Ain't life grand! 
And not I need to become a mature adult and go to work. 


  1. You were a thin little guy. When it comes to nudes I get jealous, because they always look so perfectly proportioned...whether fat or thin. Your grandfather looks like something out of one of those British historial movies that I love to watch.

  2. I'm looking forward to this series, Mark. You're so lucky to have all this material to work with, too, the way it keeps your forbears alive and real.

  3. Great post, ye who has so little time. I love the studio. Who is the lady behind the church? I suppose her face is the one pinned to the easel.

    Always a joy to read your posts, Mark. I just pre-posted a few posts because the newspaper has loaded me up with assignments for the weekend - out of my territory. Fall was supposed to bring me some releif but it has tripled my work.

    Look forward to Butler and Bagman's posts.

  4. Oh Mark, I was wondering how yesterday's post comments would affect you. It was a prize winner. Is there a Pulitzer Prize for blogs? You should get it. I envy you your knowledge of your grandfather's art and the things that you have of his. My grandfather was a farmer and I guess what I have is significant. His huge oak rocking chair.. Looking forward to your series on him.

  5. I should add - I am very interested in that church alter! And the history of your grandfather. :)

    I got sidetracked, I started reading your post to Barry, and didn't want to stop. But, I needed to come back and do this post justice.

  6. Like everyone else, I'd be very interested in this series. Your post(s) on your father were riveting so I'm really looking forward to this.

    You were a really cute little kid, by the way, but I'm glad you took up wearing pants as you aged.

  7. Do you know where that church alter is? It is lovely! It will be interesting to
    journey through your grandfather's life. Thank you for letting us do this. Artists need to work on human figures. Do you have any idea how many muscles are in the human body and how many directions they move? The body is a never ending life study for an artist, naked or clothed. I cannot imagine an artist without muscle/light studies. You Mark, were an adorable child! You look three years old to me.

  8. #3 wasn't up yet, so I went back in time to get my next fix... I keep thinking that my sense of aloneness that never leaves me is my lack of knowledge of my father and grandparents - how can you know yourself without knowing and acknowledging who they were.
