Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I think I'm ready to confess now.

It's been weighing heavily on me.  Because I used to blog almost daily and then I disappeared, almost completely for awhile. 

BAGMAN:  "Do you think anyone would have noticed if you didn't keep explaining yourself?"

BUTLER: "Well, there are a few people who always welcome him back when he does put a post on."

Can I get back to confessing?

BAGMAN:  "If relieves your guilt...or mostly if it will shut you up...be my guest."

So, well, um...er...anyhow, it was partly about work and partly about family and it is good for bloggers to take a break now and then but there was also the fact that a new interest in my life.  It set me afire with interest and passion to explore more and more.  But it was not something I could do at work and I didn't want it to detract from my family so the only time left for me to indulge myself was in the early morning hours when I was alone and in private.   Since that was my blogging time, I began...(sob, sigh, wipe tears away)...sneaking away from blogspot to partake in the delights of website after website.  I never realized the Internet had so much of this kind of material!  I wanted to talk about it on Blogspot but I didn't think the poets, artists, photographers and sensitive purveyors of creativity would understand how I could have sunk so low.  Even now, I expect people who care about me to give dire warnings about how it could make me go blind...

BUTLER:  "Or at least broke."

BAGMAN: "But the skinflint still isn't willing to risk any real money, the scaredy cat!"

Yes, I finally have to admit that I developed an interest, I'm ashamed to say, in the stock market.  Fundamental analysis, technical analysis...watching the daily passionate war between bulls and bears play out around the world.  Dipping my toes in the broiling waters by creating imaginary accounts with imaginary money.  I've been giving myself a crash course...

BUTLER: "Emphasis on the word 'crash."

I've learned how dangerous a place it can be and seen in clear detail how big money fleeces the moms and pops who are trying to save what is left of their IRA's.   But even more dangerous are those times when my imaginary money goes up and I begin to think -- what if I invested just a little real money?  Which, I confess, I did by moving a small amount from one of our mutual funds.  And won a bit.  Which was nice but, again, dangerously tempting me to dive in.  Fortunately, by now, I have learned enough to expect that temptation and ignore it.  The trading floor is a fascinating place with more psychology than economics going on.  

Anyhow, that's my confession.  I think I will continue to dip my toes and maybe one foot in the quicksand but I'm regaining a little balance so that I can at least make time to blog from time to time. 

I'm still not sure how somone can be both a poet/photographer/writer and a student of the stock market.  It seems so schizophrenic somehow. 

Okay.  I'm ready to receive my penance now.


  1. My brother studied the stock market for years, and did pretty well. Until he didn't, and then it was good money after bad. Gambling is addictive (but you know that, so I'll stop here).

    And yeah, it is nice to see you blogging!

  2. "The trading floor is a fascinating place with more psychology than economics going on." That is reason it is so difficult to make money in the market. In my 20's and later in my 40's I did that whole study: look at the PE, look at the company ownership, look at stock ownership, look at cash flow, read the Motley Fool newsletter, follow the discussions! It didn't seem boring at the time and I actually made 40% on a stock during those months. But it was mostly luck. As I got busier with children and finally a paying job, I gave it all up. And now I worry each day about my IRAs because I know this is all manipulated by greedy pigs.

  3. Yup. The "legitimate" form of gambling. Very addictive if allowed to assume too much importance. (Like blogging, now that I think about it.)

  4. Well Mark, your penance, if you decide to accept it is, 1 Hail Mary and 2 Our Fathers. Now you can be free of guilt. If you loose any money you and Karen will have to figure that out. LOL

  5. I am a bit of a gambler, and once won $2500 in Vegas, but then hubby frowned upon it, as he is not a risk taker. Friends of ours keep telling him to do some stock trading and he acts as if he did not hear them, lol, so I let him handle the money, so to speak...

  6. I read 'might go blind' and my heart started beating really fast. Don't do that to me, then just talk stock market.
    writing/poetry/photography seem to me all analitical arts / balance / form / tempo / so I can see the interest in the Markets.
    I am going to take money out of my 401K fund and another small bond market account I have and buy another small apartment/condo in Houston. less risk / and I can always live there if I need to.
    I am not a risk taker - okay my heart is back to normal. thanks for the ride.

  7. How charming of you to confess (and you KNOW where our minds were going at first). SOoooo, glad you didn't completely stop. I find I can satisfy both addictions at the same time. The letters on my keyboard are stained orange cheetos powder. Keep blogging, for God's sake, love your stuff!!

  8. I applaud you for sacrificing blogging rather than family. Nice to see you around - now and then.

  9. I have lost my husband to forex trading. It's addictive apparently. :)


  10. https://www.behance.net/gallery/46450419/_
