Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Self Portrait Internet Cafe

I took lots of pictures in Murphy, North Carolina, and realized, even as I was doing them, that I have grown sloppy -- which is to say that mostly I was oriented to family snapshots without much thought behind anything.  But for some reason, I kind of liked this one, odd as it is.  And I wasn't even looking through the viewfinder, just walking past and shooting, literally, from the hip.  A little posterization added. 


  1. Shooting straight from the hip, how Clint Eastwoody can you get. LOL Just been watching Dirty Harry. Very interesting photo.

  2. I watched a TED lecture on photography the other day and he clearly said that amateur photographers can get at least one great shot once in a while now that we can take so many! So, for even me, there is hope.

  3. Interesting shot, the outdoors as reflected by the indoors.

  4. Reflections make for very intriguing pictures, don't they? I had to look hard to find you in there, but I see that in fact you do exist.

  5. life within life - and it might have been fast but there was still stumuli, thought, shoot.

  6. That is a cool photo. I was pleased to see not everyone had their laptop out. People don't have a coffee for the sake of having coffee any more, most times they just want somewhere to sit and check their email - or send texts. I'm getting more and more out of step!

    Must try shooting from the hip!

  7. very cool shot. lots of activity. I can stare at it for quite some time and see something different.

  8. I love it. Had to enlarge it to get the full effect. If I did not enjoy seeing your mug so much I would suggest that you use it as a banner.

    You get some cool things shooting from the hip, don't 'cha?

    Hope you had a great 4th!

  9. A great tableau photograph, a frieze, a moment captured.
