Thursday, March 15, 2012

Friday Hometown Shootout -- GREEN

Happy St. Paddy's Day?
Wildly celebrating my retirement last St. Patrick's Day

BAGMAN:  "Why so glum, Dude?"

"I don't remember,"  I reply.  "Probably because I've never liked going away parties."

BUTLER:  "Whoever took that picture sure did an excellent job of trashing you.  You'll never make a good politician if you don't remain constantly vigilant and always smiling for cameras."

"Why would I ever want to be a politician?" I answer.  "Never in my wildest thoughts."

And so we are off for the posting of the green:

The color green comes from chlorophyll
which our advanced civilization
collects through a system of pipes...

and processes in chlorophyll refineries...

then stores in chlorophyll holding tanks.

The United States has one of the largest
chrolophyll footprints in the world
which explains the little known fact

about why the Statue of Liberty is green.

BAGMAN:  "Wait a minute!  Wasn't the Statue of Liberty made in France?"

BUTLER:  "Wake up, Butler.  Mark's pulling your leg."

BAGMAN:  "No he's not!  I'm sitting across the room!  He's just talking."

Butler rolls his eyes and bangs himself on the forhead with the palm of his hand while I continue typing whatever flows through my mind.

Chrolophyll is a lighter form of energy than oil...

Wearing green helps people fly...

Bagman's mouth drops open in amazement and Butler just closes his eyes, drops his head, and shakes it sadly back and forth. 

Green occurs naturally in parts of the animal kingdom

Some animals use it as camoflage

Some use it as an aphrodesiac

And some use it as a costume for Halloween parties
such as this fellow who is dressed as a string bean.

I look up after realizing that I don't have any more pictures and also don't have any kind of cute ending.

Butler is gone.  I hear his footsteps mincing down the hallway.  "Why'd he leave early?" I ask Bagman.

BAGMAN:  "Beats me.  I was learning alot.  I didn't know anything like that about green.  But tell me more about the aphrodesiac thing...


  1. That pic of you is just about how I remembered it too! lol

  2. You are amazing in that you can take the most boring of meme assignments and make them fun and interesting.

    1. this was NOT a boreing topic....
      but do agree that he can turn an interesting phrase.

  3. Well green isn't THAT boring! It's a good assignment, at least I thought so. You found such a variety of greens, but I think I like that little green frog the best. A tree frog? The katydid is crazy-looking, it real?

  4. Next time I wear the only green dress I own, I must try the flying bit!

  5. Oh, that last one...a perfect pose! Thanks for the green education. ;)

  6. i love love love all your creepy crawly green things and especially the dressed up string bean.

  7. my fav is the green bean costume the face on that bug is so clear - fantastic.

  8. How Green Was My Blog: good book title. Love the lips. Proves you can put lipstick on a pig. Just give them a barrel of green apples; not that I am comparing you to a pig, of course. You know what I mean.

    Happy St Paddy's Day.

  9. Hugs to all who featured a green lizard/gecko. It was my pet when I as gardening in NTU in Singapore. I didn't think I would take a photo because it was also called a 7 steps snake. It is bit you, it takes you 7 steps and you will die.

    I asked my grand dad in the jungles of Borneo, what if I don't walk, will I die?

    May I borrow your photo? Jama, Mark and Scriptor?

  10. Love the green creepy crawlies!

  11. Thanks for the chuckles this morning- I like the little guy dressed as a string bean the best. HA!

  12. Who would have thought green was so interesting? Thanks for the education - and the laughs. I particularly like the string bean.

  13. My favorite got to be that green and brown lizard....but that green lipstick crack me up!! lol

  14. I agree with Bagman that I was learning a lot about green I didn't know, such as green can help you fly. I think I'm going to try that!

  15. The hundreds of green-clad individuals wandering aimlessly in Boston yesterday could have benefitted from some of these attributes.
